Friday, September 19, 2014

Download landing-pages template - Bootstrap 3 - Bootstack

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Bootstack is a Bootstrap 3 One Page theme. Ideal for your apps, Bootstack is the perfect theme to showcase your business and product(s).


  • Built on Bootstrap 3.2.0
  • Flat Design
  • One Page Design
  • Smooth scrolling
  • Icomoon Fonts
  • Social Icons
  • Pricing Tables
  • Fully Responsive






Version 2.3 (August 21, 2014)

  • Bootstrap updated to v3.2.0
  • Merged responsive.css and style.css
  • Fixed navigation scroll bar bug
  • Removed color picker function
  • Removed animation effects
  • Navbar collapses at 992px instead of 768px
  • Font Awesome updated to v4.1.0
  • Optimized smooth scrolling
  • Added back-to-top scroll function
  • Added 10px left/right to copyright links
  • Renamed animation.js to main.js. All custom jQuery is now contained in this file
  • Mobile menu collapses on selection
  • Fixed modal bug that causes background width to shift slightly
  • Reduced button border-radius to 3px
  • Reduced navbar box-shadow to 2px
  • Now using Icomoon icon fonts instead of Linecons & Font Awesome
  • Reduced navbar font size to 12px for more unified look with button text
  • Removed box-shadow from navbar
  • Changed header background image

Version 2.2.1 (May 26, 2014)

  • Removed config-wrapper element

Version 2.2 (May 23, 2014)

  • Fixed issue with icons not showing in IE

Version 2.1 (May 22, 2014)

  • Fixed mobile navigation menu bug. On click, menu now collapses
  • Added theme color picker (does not include featureswrap or headerwrap image color changes)
  • Changed IDs to classes
  • Added box-shadow to navbar
  • Added CSS3 animations

Version 2.0 (March 3, 2014)

  • Removed box-shadow from navbar for a more flat look
  • Redesigned pricing tables
  • Redesigned modal forms
  • Changed various elements for better SEO
  • Modified social icons
  • Changed font from Open Sans to Lato
  • Replaced and modified images
  • Changed color scheme to darker variant
  • Optimized responsiveness
  • CSS more lightweight for faster loading

Version 1.0 (February 20, 2014)

  • Initial release


For support, sned me a message via my profile or send me an email.

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