Friday, September 19, 2014

Download admin template - Bootstrap 3 - Metro Admin Theme - Metro King

Metro Admin Theme - Metro King
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Bootstrap Themes

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Metro King Features:

  1. Inspired from Metro UI.
  2. Flat design without any extra effects.
  3. Add colors easily to any blocks.
  4. Head bar with dropdown support for chats, messages and users.
  5. Colorful sidebar with dropdown support.
  6. Sidebar has mini calendar.
  7. Notification box with minimize, maximize and close support.
  8. Go to top button on bottom left.
  9. Quick status on home page with Charts.
  10. Big charts powered by jQuery Flot plugin.
  11. Mini charts powered by jQuery Sparkline plugin.
  12. Widget style blocks.
  13. Widget blocks supports minimize, maximize and close button.
  14. Fully responsive charts.
  15. Base file included to create your own pages.
  16. Calendar page with Google calendar based on Full Calendar plugin.
  17. This theme supports bar chart, curve chart, pie chart and real time chart.
  18. Error page when something went wrong.
  19. Error log page to showcase generated errors.
  20. Form page lists all possible form fields.
  21. Supports CL editor for forms.
  22. Gallery page to view your images.
  23. Invoice page shows invoice layout.
  24. Login and register page.
  25. Media page shows the media files in table.
  26. Posts pages shows the interface to create post.
  27. Posts page supports custom fields, excerpts, tags and categories.
  28. Profile page to edit your profile.
  29. Statement page shows the statement layout.
  30. Support page with filtering option.
  31. Tables page shows the different ways to use tables.
  32. Project widget with project completion details.
  33. Recent activity widget shows the activity of user.
  34. Simple google map widget.
  35. User widget shows the details of user.
  36. Quick setting widget to change the settings on the fly.
  37. Chats widget to chat with your users.
  38. Recent posts and recent comments widget.
  39. Operating system and browser widget.
  40. Task manager widget.
  41. File upload widget with incrementing progress bar.
  42. Quick post widget to make posts on the fly.
  43. Bootstrap switch plugin support.
  44. jQuery horizontal and vertical slider plugin.
  45. Date and timer picker plugin.
  46. Star rating plugin.
  47. Notification is powered by Gritter plugin.
  48. Colorful theme.
  49. Fully responsive.
  50. Fully based on bootstrap.
  51. Uses google web fonts.
  52. Uses font awesome icons.

Other Metro/Flat Themes: Metro Mania / Flatmania / MetroMan / Chandler / Outlooker / BoxCol / Metsoon


Version 3.0.1:

  • Minor layout update. (style.css)

Version 3.0:

  • Now, only including JS plugins where it is being used.
  • Changed 'style' folder name to 'css'.
  • Changed 'font' foldername to 'fonts'.
  • Updated Font awesome icon plugin.
  • Removed HTML5Shim and added HTML5Shiv.
  • Added Respond.min JS plugin.
  • Updated Bootstrap and jQuery.
  • Included minified version of font awesome icon css, bootstrap js and css to all html files.
  • Removed Font awesome icon support for IE 7 CSS.
  • Added charset meta utf-8 in all html files.
  • Updated datetimepicket, bootstrap switch, full calendar, jquery ui, gritter, flot chart, rateit.
  • Removed CL editor plugin.
  • jQuery UI Calendar bug fix. (style.css)
  • Set minimum height to 1200. (style.css)
  • Pagination bug fix. (style.css)
  • Removed sparkline chart from Notification box. (all html files)
  • Bug fix from scroll to top. (custom.js)
  • Updated navbar, sidebar, notification box in all html files. (all .html files, style.css)
  • Changed to normal ckeckbox for comment in Quick setting widget in widget1.html file. (widget1.html)
  • Updated color atribute for toggle button in ui.html file. (ui.html)
  • Added java script for toggle button in ui.html file. (ui.html)
  • Support page filter input box bug fix. (style.css)
  • Incresed the image size in gallery.html file. (style.css)
  • Fixed spacing from left & right for grids in grid.html file. (style.html)
  • Added table border for statement page table & invoice page table. (style.css)
  • Added border to navbar. (style.css)
  • Sidebar widget section padding. (style.css)
  • Button class updated.
  • Table borders update. (style.css)
  • Charts page input box update. (charts.html)
  • Max width to images in chat widget, recent post widget. (widgets.css)
  • Removed unnecessary From style. (style.css)
  • Added documentation.

Version 2.2.3:

  • Gallery bug fix. Updated prettyPhoto js and css file.

Version 2.2.2:

  • UI Slider Handle update.

Version 2.2.1:

  • Typo - class "containerk" changed to class "container". (all html files).

Version 2.2:

Version 2.1:

  • Sparkline bug fix.

Version 2.0:

  • Updated to Bootstrap 3.0

Version 1.0:

  • Initial Release

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